Pianola Push Up Player for sale

John Delacour JD at Pianomaker.co.uk
Thu Mar 20 14:10:51 MST 2008

At 12:10 -0700 20/3/08, Fenton Murray wrote:

>I have had in my storage for 30 years a c.1909 Pianola push up 
>player (not a piano, I think it has 63 fingers), I have no interest 
>in keeping this...

If you were in England I'd be on my way to get it.  What I'd really 
like, though, is an 88 note push-up.  Is there such a thing and are 
they occasionally seen in America?

Even better would be a push-up version of the latest electronic 
player devices and I can't understand why nobody, so far as I know, 
has produced one.  For a piano showroom it would be a real boon to be 
able to demonstrate any piano in the shop using performances by real 
professional pianists.  Does anyone know if it has been considered?


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