Pianola Push Up Player for sale

Rob & Helen Goodale rrg at unlv.nevada.edu
Thu Mar 20 17:08:16 MST 2008

I don't think they make it anymore but QRS/Pianomation made a similar system 
that laid over the keyboard to play the piano.  I watched a demo once.  It 
worked but was rather lame.  First, it was a terribly heavy thing to lug 
around, second there was no sustain pedal, (they call it "magic fingers" by 
holding down notes longer- stupid), and the expense doesn't justify 
purchasing a whole regular player system.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

> Even better would be a push-up version of the latest electronic player 
> devices and I can't understand why nobody, so far as I know, has produced 
> one.  For a piano showroom it would be a real boon to be able to 
> demonstrate any piano in the shop using performances by real professional 
> pianists.  Does anyone know if it has been considered?
> JD

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