Hamburg String seating proceedures

A440A at A440A at
Sun Mar 9 14:43:34 MST 2008

Bruce asks: 
<< Is it preferrable to start at the bridge, tap at the contact points to the 
hitch pin, then work from the other side of the bridge all the way to the 
tuning  pin, then mate or lift strings?   >>

I begin at the hitch pin, relieving the outward curvature of the wire with 
two light taps towards center.  Then the back bridge pin. I the pitch was 8 or 
10 cents sharp when I begin, I will have already lost two of them.  Another 
light tap sideways on the speaking length, then a gang lift at the agraffe, 
followed by settling the coil.    If we work in the direction of wire movement, the 
wire is closer to its final position as we go.  I think it helps to keep the 
pitch sharp at all times when settling the wire. Making all bends under higher 
than normal conditions offsets, imho, the inevitable settling that the wire 
will do after our tender care. 
   The coil is an entirely different creature, in terms of settling. 

Ed Foote RPT
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