Steinway model Z weak bass

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at
Sun Mar 9 14:15:58 MST 2008

> Ron N, I enjoyed your comments about not being fooled, by an end-hinged 
> top lid, into thinking it's a grand!.  I have a customer with a Feurich 
> upright which also has an end-hinged lid, but instead of a removable 
> hinge-pin, it has two very solid brass hinges with brass dowels which 
> plop and slide beautifully into bushed holes in the side panel. Lovely 
> piano, reeks quality and craftsmanship.

I don't have any uprights, but I do service one Feurich grand. 
Poor string rendering has just about rendered it untunable, 
but it's a terrifically built piano. Lid's hinged on the side 
too... <G>

About your Steinway bass bridge, check bearing and crown 
there, bridge apron joints, perimeter joint, and the 
possibility of anything being wedged between the soundboard 
and plate. Then consider the strings. The usual stuff. Try to 
inspect and if possible test every potential cause. I was 
asked by a dealer years back to look at a piano they had taken 
in on trade. The bass was dead, but they were sure it would be 
a simple fix. I looked it over and didn't find anything to 
account for it, so we ordered a couple of strings as a test. 
When installed, the new strings were  as dead sounding as the 
rest, which surprised all of us. They had meanwhile found 
someone to unload the piano on, so I never did get to chase 
down what the actual problem was. Frustrating.

Ron N

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