Steinway model Z weak bass

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at
Sun Mar 9 11:19:53 MST 2008

> I agree!  I use a pair of cotton gardening gloves with small rubber dots 
> on the palm for grip.  Safer, and easier than wiping off fingerprints 
> afterwards.
> --Cy--

If they would just screw a block on the back side center to 
provide a handle, it wouldn't be a problem, though that 
doesn't help with the knee board. Are these things assembled 
in the factories by giant tree frogs, with big sticky pads on 
their fingertips? Manufacturers should consult their 
janitorial and maintenance staff on practical access before 
implementing (or copying) these "features". I've thought of 
grippy gloves - or ice tongs, but I already lug around enough 
stuff that I consider necessary to cheerfully accept a poorly 
designed case style adding more to the load. It's just me, I 
know, but I also maintain that tuning pins too close together 
to get a standard tip on, or those buried inaccessibly under 
case parts, weren't intended to be tuned. Mediocrity is pretty 
much unavoidable, but I'll at least try to avoid embracing and 
encouraging it wherever I can.

Ron N

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