Steinway model Z weak bass

Joe And Penny Goss imatunr at
Sun Mar 9 06:52:21 MST 2008

Hi Barbara,
I just borrow the owners mop or broom. <g>
Joe Goss RPT
Mother Goose Tools
imatunr at
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: piano57 at 
  To: Pianotech List 
  Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2008 8:16 PM
  Subject: Re: Steinway model Z weak bass


  On vertical pianos that have those lids that open from the side, like some Wurlitzers, I don't even try to take the hinge pin out or the lid off. Well, I did once and that was enough for me.  I bring a good sized dowel with pins on each end and use it as a lid prop. A pedal rod/dowel will work in a pinch, but the stick should really be a bit longer.  The dowel rod works with the hardware on the Wurlitzers with that style lid--I haven't had the pleasure of working on any Steinways of that style (whew!) so I'm not familiar with the hardware. 

  If you want, you all can get in a huff about hammer position in tuning the low bass with this arrangement.  The tuning hasn't suffered, pins haven't bent and all is well, or as well as it can be with a Wurlitzer console. 

  Barbara Richmond, RPT
  not fooling with those long hinge pins 
  near Peoria, IL

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: David Boyce <David at>
  Date: Saturday, March 8, 2008 17:47
  Subject: Re: Steinway model Z weak bass
  To: Pianotech List <pianotech at>

  > Wim, that did occur to me afterward. But I think the short leg 
  > of the 
  > L-shaped pin would be obtrusive at the front.
  > Best,
  > David.
  > "Can't you insert the hinge pin from the front?" 
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