----- Original Message ----- From: "Ron Nossaman" <rnossaman at cox.net> To: "Pianotech List" <pianotech at ptg.org> Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 8:51 AM Subject: Re: Steinway model Z weak bass > The real question is why would anyone do something as idiot as putting the > hinges on the lid end in the first place? Freezing okra doesn't make it > ice cream, and we aren't fooled into thinking a side hinged vertical is a > grand. > > Nor am I particularly thrilled with the 40lb combination front/fall board > with no hand holds, finished in gloss polyester that's slicker than > greased eels in my dry hands. These things had to have been designed by > case touch up moonlighters. > > Ron N I agree! I use a pair of cotton gardening gloves with small rubber dots on the palm for grip. Safer, and easier than wiping off fingerprints afterwards. --Cy-- ABQ, NM
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