I can second that, Ron. And I will add that the bottom knee board for these T-121 is even more problematic. It is made wider than the toe bloc support legs, is made too tall so you actually have to fight it in and out and CAN NOT remove it without touching the toe blocs. I guess if manufacturers' plant workers would have to remove them a few times during construction, the design might have been changed. I would guess that the kneeboard is only put in once during the whole manufacturing process. Bottom line, I hate that particular cabinet design. Marcel Carey - > > Nor am I particularly thrilled with the 40lb combination > front/fall board with no hand holds, finished in gloss > polyester that's slicker than greased eels in my dry hands. > These things had to have been designed by case touch up > moonlighters. > > Ron N _________________________________________________________________ la chance de gagner de superbes cadeaux avec Windows Live Mail et Rogers Mobile Mail. Cliquez-ici! http://g.msn.ca/ca55/215
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