No subject

ricb at ricb at
Sun Mar 9 07:56:00 MST 2008

Hinges on the lid end are pretty common really.  See it all the time.
I see nothing inherently idiotic about the idea.  As for being fooled
into thinking its a grand... thats  hardly the point, tho no doubt
some sales folks do point out it looks somewhat familiar. Its just
someones idea of what looks cool. And so what ?

This is a non issue side track. Most vertical lids only get opened
when the pianotuner comes around and then the only thing that matters
is how easy it is to get it out of the way so you can tune.


> Why didn't Samick just copy Yamaha's 90° turnable hinge-pin idea?
> Scott Jackson

The real question is why would anyone do something as idiot as 
putting the hinges on the lid end in the first place? Freezing 
okra doesn't make it ice cream, and we aren't fooled into 
thinking a side hinged vertical is a grand.

Nor am I particularly thrilled with the 40lb combination 
front/fall board with no hand holds, finished in gloss 
polyester that's slicker than greased eels in my dry hands. 
These things had to have been designed by case touch up 

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