I raised my tuning prices since Jan 1 by $3.00 now. I have had no audible complaints about it. James James Grebe Since 1962 Piano Tuning & Repair Creator of Handsome Hardwood Products( 314) 608-4137 1526 Raspberry Lane Arnold, MO 63010 Researcher of St. Louis Theatre History BECOME WHAT YOU BELIEVE! www.grebepiano.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Kurta" <mkurta at roadrunner.com> To: "Pianotech" <pianotech at ptg.org> Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 11:03 PM Subject: Fuel surcharge? Last week I got a bill from my pool service with a fuel surcharge added. Today I got another from my lawn service with a fuel surcharge also. Should we, 1. Absorb the higher travel costs and say nothing or, 2. Add a fuel surcharge too or, 3. Raise our rate to cover the extra cost and lump it together with tuning? Comments? Mike Kurta, RPT Auburn, NY Soon to be moving to the Chicago area.....
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