Adjusting plate suspension bolts?

David Love davidlovepianos at
Wed Oct 17 20:44:10 MDT 2007

I have done this a number of times with the same set up.  You don't need to
lower the tension.  Just do one acorn nut at a time lowering or raising the
socket screw(s) incrementally.  Don't try to do too much at once and check
the bearing after you resecure each acorn nut.  It's less frightening than
it sounds.      

David Love
davidlovepianos at

-----Original Message-----
From: pianotech-bounces at [mailto:pianotech-bounces at] On Behalf
Of jimialeggio5 at
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 7:29 PM
To: pianotech at
Subject: Adjusting plate suspension bolts?

Belly folks...

I'm experimenting with adjusting downbearing on a small Chickering grand
which is my
experimenting/apprenticship piano.  

Plate is supported by top adjustable plate suspension bolts ie Ron's and
Del's techniques.

Relatively low string tension, definitely lower than the original.

Before removing rim acorn nuts and loosening nose gut sense is
that I don't need to lower the
string tension. 

Is this correct?...any pitfalls to watch out for? 

Jim I

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