Harpsichord tuning

Israel Stein custos3 at comcast.net
Wed Oct 17 20:39:14 MDT 2007


First you need to uncouple the manuals, turn off all the registers 
except the 8 foot register that plucks closest to the tail of the 
harpsichord (farthest away from the tuning pins) and tune that 
register to your ETD. Then you tune the other registers one by one to 
the register you tuned first by setting up either the coupler or 
register levers so that your initially tuned register and the one you 
are tuning pluck at the same time. Tune them as beatless unisons (or 
octaves, in the case of a 4 foot register). If this is a Sperrhakke 
or Neupert or another of those German production monstrosities with 
the 16 foot register, tune that one last the same way.

Israel Stein

At 11:00 AM 10/17/2007, you wrote:

>Tune all the registers the same (well, except for the 4' if it has 
>one, which will be tuned an octave higher).  If it has the keyboard 
>set up to do modern pitch and low pitch, be sure the keyboard is set 
>for the high pitch.  If it is in low-pitch position and you tune it 
>to 440 you'll undoubtedly break a few strings.  Other than that, 
>it's a pretty straight forward job.
>David M. Porritt, RPT
><mailto:dporritt at smu.edu>dporritt at smu.edu
>From: pianotech-bounces at ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces at ptg.org] 
>On Behalf Of John Ross
>Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 10:02 AM
>To: pianotech
>Subject: Harpsichord Tuning
>I have been asked to tune a double manual harpsichord to A440, 
>Valloti Temperament.
>It is in my ETD, so the temperament should be ok.
>I have only tuned a single manual, and that was for a friend, 20 years ago.
>They are stuck, and can't find anyone else.
>What is involved in doing a double manual?
>I know in an accordion, the different blocks are tuned slightly off 
>the others, by so many cents.
>John M. Ross
>Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada
><mailto:jrpiano at win.eastlink.ca>jrpiano at win.eastlink.ca

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