Mono string damper problem

Sat, 21 Jan 2006 13:01:10 -0500

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Yes. Small sharp scissors. I just successfully did that to an upright =

Terry Farrell
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  Last summer I replaced the dampers in my grand.  In the past months =
I've noticed that the mono string dampers, from A0 thru G#1, are hanging =
up and will not return
  completely to the string after being played.  After very close =
inspection I see that the bottom of the dampers, either side of the _/\_ =
are expanding out from being square and are now rubbing on the neighbor =
damper felt sides.
  Haven't had the problem before and need some advice on what to do. =20
  Can one trim the felt sides of the dampers without damaging the damper =
beyond its usefulness?
  If so, what does one use to trim the felt?
  Many thanks in advance.
  Gordon Holley
  Associate Member
  Indiana Chap 467
  Goshen, IN 
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