Mono string damper problem
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 12:20:57 EST

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Hello List.  
Last summer I replaced the dampers in my grand.  In the past months I've 
noticed that the mono string dampers, from A0 thru G#1, are hanging up and will 
not return
completely to the string after being played.  After very close inspection I 
see that the bottom of the dampers, either side of the _/\_ are expanding out 
from being square and are now rubbing on the neighbor damper felt sides.
Haven't had the problem before and need some advice on what to do.  
Can one trim the felt sides of the dampers without damaging the damper beyond 
its usefulness?
If so, what does one use to trim the felt?
Many thanks in advance.
Gordon Holley
Associate Member
Indiana Chap 467
Goshen, IN

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