P22 scale

Jason Kanter jkanter@rollingball.com
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 09:53:38 -0800

Ron O - fyi - meaning no disrespect - but as I start to look over this
wonderful sheet I see an error in your total tension formula - cell R91
should read =SUM(R2:R89) - currently reads =SUM(R7:R89) which does not
include notes 1-5 - unless there is a reason for leaving them out? Does not
affect any of the charts, happily. /jason kanter

-----Original Message-----
From: pianotech-bounces@ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces@ptg.org] On Behalf
Of Overs Pianos
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 9:18 PM
To: Pianotech List
Cc: Ron Nossaman
Subject: Re: P22 scale

High Ron and all,

Just returned back from a week away staying at a lake edge down south. Had
to take the screen and laptop since I'm doing some CAD work which has to be
completed over the next week. Still 50/50 fishing and CAD is better than no
break at all.

>Having spent the last two days tuning mostly Yamaha P22s at around 
>25%RH, from 70%+ RH just a few months ago, I have a request. Has anyone 
>out there ever taken complete scale data on a P22 that they would be 
>willing to send me? I'm curious how tension and break% profiles 
>correspond to the pitch change patterns I see in these pianos, and I 
>haven't yet had occasion or opportunity to take the measurements.

Here's an attachment with the scale of a Yamaha U1H (121 cm upright). 
I think this piano is a little shorter than the ones you've been tuning, but
the cross over problems are similarly dramatic (Please refer to the column
graphs to the right of the figures). The hammer strike ratio figures are
derived from measurements taken directly from the piano also.

>Looking for data to compare to observed reaction, for educational purposes.

These pianos were one of the first instruments which brought the problem of
percentage of breaking strain deviation home to me, during the 70's when I
was working out scaling with a pocket calculator. Its just a mess and the
131 pianos are no better.

Ron O.
    Grand Piano Manufacturers

Web http://overspianos.com.au

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