P22 scale

Overs Pianos sec@overspianos.com.au
Sun, 22 Jan 2006 08:33:42 +1100

>Ron O - fyi - meaning no disrespect - but as I start to look over this
>wonderful sheet I see an error in your total tension formula - cell R91
>should read =SUM(R2:R89) - currently reads =SUM(R7:R89) which does not
>include notes 1-5 - unless there is a reason for leaving them out? Does not
>affect any of the charts, happily. /jason kanter

Hi Jason,

That is a mistake - these things happen from time to time. The cells 
R2 - R6 should be included in the SUM. When a new scale is created it 
will require modification to accommodate the different crossover 
points etc. I've checked quite of few of my other scale-sheets (I 
have over 70 scales on file) and a couple of the earlier sheets had 
the same error. The late ones are OK.

Thanks for the feedback.

Ron O.
    Grand Piano Manufacturers

Web http://overspianos.com.au

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