Last Minute Cancellations?
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 23:17:43 EST

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In a message dated 1/13/2006 3:31:10 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

>  7 AM?  Jeezzz...that would be a little irritating.
>  Dave Stahl

Why? You'd already be up, if not conscious, getting ready  for the 
day's tuning. I'd much prefer being called at 7:00, or even 6:00,  
than to drive way too far for three scheduled tunings (because she 
WAS  a regular customer), to be told when I arrived that one of them 
had  canceled, and would contact me later. I explained that three 
didn't really  pay for the trip, but I now have two, and a lone 
tuning waiting out here  forever for my next trip - should I ever 
make it. If she had called me  that morning, I would have spent the 
day in the shop doing some good, and  made the trip when it generated 
enough income to be worth it. None of  these people, of course, have 
the dimmest concept that someone arbitrarily  wasting our time costs 
us income - even after spending the time and gas to  GET there.

Ron N

Good points...certainly better to be called than not.  The last minute  
cancellation is way better than a no-show.  At least you're home.  
The good thing about my pocket PC and cell phone is that whenever I get a  
no-show, I can catch up on appointment phone calls.
Dave  Stahl

Dave Stahl Piano Service
_ ( 

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