
David Ilvedson
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 18:46:36 -0800

For me it's the first human to pick up the phone that gets the job...I'm forwarding my calls to my cell phone...

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, California

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "Brian Doepke" <>
To: "An open list  for piano technicians" <>
Received: 1/13/2006 5:15:25 PM
Subject: RE: Freebees-

>Hmmmmm???  I get many calls because I am the first in the yellow pages.  I
>ask polite questions, try to personable and most of the time get a new

>So, I think the business name that starts with AAA worked well for me.  If
>you are going to have expense of being in the yellow pages, be at the top.
>And return phone calls!!! So many others in the book do not return calls.  I
>can't understand's their loss.

>Brian P. Doepke
>AAA Piano Works, Inc.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] On Behalf
>Of Susan Kline
>Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 2:38 PM
>Subject: Re: Freebees-

>Build a good tuning, and repairs which stay repaired -- relax and forget 
>about the rest of it, the fussy charges, the contracts in case of no-shows, 
>the discounts for booking the next tuning on the spot, the reminder cards, 
>the call-backs, the big display ad, the business name starting with AAA, 
>the chatty little newsletter sent to everyone twice a year "it's time for 
>your darling piano's next tuning" <barf> -- just toss all that time-wasting 
>irritating  trivia -- they will come.

>Really, think about what message you are sending out. Even just a pen with 
>your name on it -- "This is someone who was short of work for so long that 
>he decided to shell out money for  advertising. Either he is brand new to 
>the trade, or his work is bad enough that he doesn't get much repeat 
>business. He expects me to throw away his card and forget his name." People 
>are naturally polite; they'll respect your professional dignity by taking 
>your freebee and thanking you -- but they'll react to the hidden message 
>just the same, maybe not even realizing why they aren't really sure they 
>want you back.

>If you're going to attempt to manipulate customers, try the opposite tack 
>-- "Be sure to call at least three weeks in advance, especially around the 
>holidays ..."


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