Damper Assembly Upgrade

Kent Swafford kswafford@earthlink.net
Sat, 7 Jan 2006 22:27:02 -0600

I've cut down trays on 5 or 6 pianos, most recently this past summer.  
This can work well. As I recall, I did not have to re-regulate the  
sostenuto blade.

I like to add springs. I came into a studio a few years ago and the  
pianist and violinist with which he was rehearsing were going back  
and forth between the two B's, one from '79 with springs and one from  
'90 without, pointing out how much better the damping was on the  
older piano. They were right.


On Jan 7, 2006, at 8:31 PM, william ballard wrote:

> The new underlevers are 10.9mm longer than the original 1973s.  
> Adapting the original tray to mount the new levers (so that the  
> lever/post center stays put)  appears to be three zips across the  
> tablesaw (plus deepening the existing flange screw holes). This is  
> a perfectly good tray and modifying it certainly isn't $400 worth  
> of labor.

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