Damper Assembly Upgrade

william ballard yardbird@vermontel.net
Sat, 7 Jan 2006 21:31:19 -0500

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On Jan 7, 2006, at 12:17 AM, Roger Jolly wrote:
> I have changed several of the new Steinway under lever assemblies,  
> complete with trays. I have only had to adjust the shims on the  
> left to right adjustment, and they have been a snap to replace.   
> For the extra labour involved in just replacing the under levers,  
> spend the extra money and change the whole assembly.

Thanks, Roger & Ron.

At actually at this point, I'd have to renegotiate the list of work.  
The full kit is an extra $400. (You're right about the minimal labor.  
I'd been thinking of the one Renner back assembly I'd put in with all  
its trimming and boring, and forgetting that this would be a Steinway  
kit for one of their current models.)

The new underlevers are 10.9mm longer than the original 1973s.  
Adapting the original tray to mount the new levers (so that the lever/ 
post center stays put)  appears to be three zips across the tablesaw  
(plus deepening the existing flange screw holes). This is a perfectly  
good tray and modifying it certainly isn't $400 worth of labor.

I was just worried about two issues (but probably don't need to be).  
1.) the change in leverage from the old to new underlever. That  
amounts to the new underlever being lifted a couple of .1mm higher  
(eyeballing it) for the same key end lift (which will increase  
because that shank knuckle distance is going from 16 to 17mm). So I'd  
have to raise the sosty rail a sheep hair. 2.) the '73 damper levers  
have return spring through #28, where the new have none for what (I'm  
guessing) is the same leading. Should I worry that #1-28 are now only  
being held to the string by their own weight, with no springs?  
Steinway didn't, so I won't. Unless either of you guys (or anyone  
else) feel that Steinway made a mistake by not augmenting the damper  
pressure on such long strings, with return springs. (Three zips  
across the table saw is one thing but I'm not looking forward to  
carving an arced groove into the tops of the levers and saving/ 
reinstalling the damper springs.)

This is going into a recording studio. Am I nuts or totally what?

Mr. Bill

"If ducks were smart enough and well-built enough, they'd be shooting  
at us. It's not my fault they can't aim and shoot."
     ...........Talk Show host Rush Lamebaugh, explaining why duck  
hunting is a sport, 1/12/98

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