Separate business/personal accounts?

Andrew and Rebeca Anderson
Tue, 03 Jan 2006 13:14:36 -0600

Co-mingling is what the tax-"services" call it.  Opening a second 
account in the same bank usually works well.  Sometimes they allow 
you to make electronic draws to your personal account but using a 
cheque is better for record-keeping.

Good luck,
Andrew Anderson

At 09:05 AM 1/3/2006, you wrote:
>Hello, all.
>I'm a new tuner, after years in academia, and newly returned to the 
>self-employed field.  How important is it to have a separate bank 
>account for my piano tech income?  Can I achieve an appropriate 
>level of separation using Quicken, and 'subdividing' my single bank account?
>This list has already been marvelously instructive, even the very 
>long string following Susan's New Year's Rant.  As you might 
>imagine, I am struggling with how to price myself/my services.
>I'll not respond to each response, but will appreciate the input 
>each person provides.

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