Separate business/personal accounts?

william ballard
Tue, 3 Jan 2006 20:49:50 -0500

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On Jan 3, 2006, at 2:14 PM, Andrew and Rebeca Anderson wrote:
> Co-mingling is what the tax-"services" call it.  Opening a second  
> account in the same bank usually works well.  Sometimes they allow  
> you to make electronic draws to your personal account but using a  
> cheque is better for record-keeping.

Let's not overlook having separate business checking and savings  
accounts, so that when you get a deposit on labor yet to be performed  
or invoices for materials yet to arrive, that deposit can sit in the  
savings account and not get dissolved in the daily ebb&flow flow in  
the checking account.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"I go, two plus like, three is pretty much totally five. Whatever"
     ...........The new math
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