Separate business/personal accounts?

Tue, 3 Jan 2006 10:26:14 -0500

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Hi Richard,
I'm new to tuning myself.  It's nice to meet someone new like me.  =
Speaking of rants, how did you like Joe's rant on me about being vision =
impaired?  Im not sure why the piano hospital didn' t accept his =
application. I know a woman who attended who is fully sighted.  As for =
bank accounts, I personally hae a seperate personal one right now, but =
I'm seeking informaiton on this as well from the person I trained with =
in tuning.  I'm glad you joined the list. It's intimidating to hang out =
with these pros at times especially when they ream me about the vision =
impairment and their perception of whether I word hard at learning the =
trade or not.  Having someone new like yourself on the list helps ease =
the discomfort of being new to the trade.  Let's stick together.=20
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Richard Morgan=20
  Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 10:05 AM
  Subject: Separate business/personal accounts?

  Hello, all.

  I'm a new tuner, after years in academia, and newly returned to the =
self-employed field.  How important is it to have a separate bank =
account for my piano tech income?  Can I achieve an appropriate level of =
separation using Quicken, and 'subdividing' my single bank account?

  This list has already been marvelously instructive, even the very long =
string following Susan's New Year's Rant.  As you might imagine, I am =
struggling with how to price myself/my services.

  I'll not respond to each response, but will appreciate the input each =
person provides.

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