more on false beats

Ric Brekne
Mon, 02 Jan 2006 18:48:41 +0100

Hi folks.

Here's one that the loose pin gang is going to have a hard time 
explaining.  Today I checked out an idea I had this past week and found 
out that you can actually influence...even stop the false beat of one 
string in a unison by exerting pressure on the bridge pin of its 
neighbor.  I was actually not 100 % surprised at finding this was 
possible, tho I had really rather expected to find it a bit more 
difficult to influence a false beat this way then it was.  Whether it 
was a combination of side pressure on the pin and downwards pressure on 
the bridge itself I am not sure of yet as the experiment today was quite 

That said... it showed clearly that you could silence the false beat by 
exerting pressure elstewheres then on the offending strings bridge 
pin... clearly demonstrating the independance of the false beat with the 
coinciding bridge pin.  The pressure require to silence the beat was a 
bit more then if I exerted pressure on the pin of the offending string 
itself, but not all that much more. Otherwise the effect was quite the 
same... a slowing of the beat rate with an increase in pressure until 
pressure was sufficient to result in a beatless state.


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