New Year's rant; my 2 cents

David Ilvedson
Mon, 2 Jan 2006 10:45:52 -0800

Your right, they did give you a hell of deal in getting that concert experience...I think you did the right thing...just keep in mind cost of living etc. and do raise your rates a little every year, especially since you are becoming an experience concert technician...;-]

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, California

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "Susan Kline" <>
To: Pianotech <>
Received: 1/2/2006 12:54:42 AM
Subject: RE: New Year's rant; my 2 cents

>At 10:43 PM 1/1/2006 -0800, David wrote:
>>It may be that you have no one else qualified to do the 
>> which case, as I said before, the concert hall is getting a hell 
>>of deal...

>I am their best bet. I often fit other tunings and/or service calls in 
>while I'm over at the coast. What you don't understand is that while they 
>are getting a hell of a deal, they also gave me a hell of a deal when I 
>first arrived, with no concert experience. They gave me a completely free 
>hand with their Baldwin SD-10, and over a few years I turned it, as one 
>visiting artist told a pre-concert audience, "from a bucking bronco into 
>something beautiful." That piano and I taught each other concert work. And 
>of course I got a lot of other work on the coast through my connections 
>with the Newport Arts Center. They now have a brand new Steinway D. How 
>many chances do you think I have to watch one come to life, and to look 
>after it during the process? Are you so overwhelmed with good new concert 
>instruments that you can be coy about such chances?

>You have to understand Newport. It's a town of 8700 people. The town built 
>the Arts Center a year or two before I moved to Oregon. It's busy ALL the 
>time! Often three or four things are going on there at once. Newport is 
>more than just a gig and a few bucks for me. One part of being in a 
>smaller, less hectic, lower cost, and more remote area is that one helps 
>places like this keep going. We thrive together.

>Let's just say -- it works for me.

>Geoff is right -- chill, chill

>Sssssssssssssnnnn (hissing lightly ...) 

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