New Year's rant; my 2 cents

Ric Brekne
Mon, 02 Jan 2006 18:37:13 +0100

Been reading back and forth trying to look past the few post-ees that 
find it necessary to throw accusations around and find lots of good 
stuff written really.  Interesting to see how many variances there is in 
handling the market.  As for the basic idea of <<working for free>> that 
seems to be washing through some of this.  Let me just say this.  When a 
proffessional (of any trade) finds him/her self unable to do any kind of 
pro-bono work for any reason then IMHO that individual needs to take a 
solid look at whats important in life.  If money is all that you love 
then thats what you shall have the saying goes. 

For my part.  I do a few <<free-bees>> here and there, if thats one 
insists on calling them. They fit into two catagories.  Pure charity, 
and pure public service. Both serve several functions all of which I am 
very comfortable with.  And its good PR... or if you'd rather.... its 
good kharma.... or if that doesnt get it for you... how is it the 
christian icon said it....?  "To give is better then to recieve."  
However you word it, a bit of selective contribution to the greater good 
does no one any harm.

Cheers, and Happy New Year !

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