Trailer ideas?

chuck c
Sat, 31 Dec 2005 20:44:08 -0500 (GMT-05:00)

For the cargo trailer I would suggest at least 6' X 10'.  Large enough to fit bigger pianners, even two at a time, plus all your moving supplies.  Torsion bar suspension is a smoother ride also, for the cargo and you, than straight axle.  You can equip each side wall with two levels of "E-Track", which accept the clip-in straps to which you can attach the big straps (ratcheted) that go around the cargo.  The E-Tracks run horizontally, of course, at about 18" and maybe 40". (Sorry, not sure what they really call these "clip-in straps" but they are made for E-Tracks, so you'll find 'em at the trailer supply place.)

A trailer with a pull-down ramp is a good idea, rather than two side opening doors.  Also, make sure the door clearance is tall enough to allow any piano in on a dolly.

Check the overall construction of the trailer too, like the steel framing on the sides and especially the bottom.  Make sure the wood floor is 3/4".  Get one with a strong tongue, to accept 2" ball, etc.; the higher the load rating, too, the better.   Most trailers are made the same, some just beefier than others.  You'll see what I mean after looking at a few different brands.

Enough?  Hope that helps.

Happy, safe, healthy, and prosperous New Year to all!

Chuck Christus

>Subject: Trailer ideas?
>Hi All!
>Happy New Year!
>One of my first investments in 2006 is likely to be a trailer for moving 
>pianos.  I'm thinking 5' x 8', enclosed, of course.  I would love to hear from 
>those of you who move pianos in your business ideas about things/features to 
>look for and to avoid.  I will have to custom-order mine in order to get the 
>top-to-bottom clearance high enough to clear larger uprights and grands.
>Secondary question:  What are your favorite moving methods?  I like to use a 
>piano sled on top of a 4-wheel dolly.  I also have the separate dollies that 
>attach to each end of a vertical piano, and are held on by the straps 
>stretching end to end, but sometimes going over lips and thresholds my 
>"helpers" are too lazy to actually LIFT the dang thing and the lip of the 
>dolly can catch and try to work its way off of the piano.  Once this happened 
>and it busted up the bottom of the piano pretty good.  Took me DAYS of work to 
>restore that!
>John Dorr
>Helena, Montana
>pianotech list info:

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