New Center Pin Design

Richard Brekne
Sat, 13 Sep 2003 12:44:01 +0200

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Predictable enough I surpose...:)... Did you try and sell the guy on a
re-pin job right away ?? The more they walk out of place the more they
pick up the pace... and the bigger (more expensive) the job becomes in
the end.

I ran into one of these some years back that had gotten so bad that lots
of pins had actually walked over and into the neighbor flange.. bushings
were all chewed up from the ends of the pins chomping on them,
everything was loose as could be. It was an old beater and tho it looked
bad... it actually seemed structurally ok, and sounded reasonably ok.
But they decided to buy a new piano and they burned the old gal at one
of those midsummers day bonfires I believe.

Sigh... the fate of an old piano... not much better then an old horse.


Farrell wrote:

>  That was actually the problem. When I first saw it I figured the guy
> chewed up the flange bushings with this innovation, but I repinned it
> with an 0.048" pin - so no enlargement there. The long unclipped end
> interferring with the hammer shank wanting to return to the rest
> postion is what caused the inoperable key. I could see that at least
> half of the hammer flange center pins were walking out of their proper
> postition on this piano - presumably I'll have a repinning and general
> action refurbishing job on the piano. This particular piano was the
> worst Yamaha I have ever tuned with respect to stray string noise (my
> experience is that Yamahas are usually a pleasure to tune) - more like
> tuning a Kimball console (false beats and unisons that would just not
> come clean - I hate that). Terry Farrell

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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