> This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment On 9/13/03 5:44 AM, "Richard Brekne" <Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no> wrote: RicB Did anybody make a recording of the burning of the beater? I=B9m having a senior moment over the composers name, but the composition was to record th= e strings, plate, keys etc crackling and snapping as the piano burns. Years ago was scheduled on a recital on campus. however the fire marshall stopped the performance. The smoke would pollute the air. I believe there is another version of this theme where the piano is suspended by a helicopter and ignited. Dropping to the ground makes another recorde= d sound event. Play on.=20 Joel --=20 Joel A. Jones RPT Assistant Director - TEAM '04 June 29 - July 3, Nashville, TN http://www.ptg.org/conv.htm jajones2@facstaff.wisc.edu --------------------- ...... It was an old beater and tho it looked bad... it actually seemed structurally ok, and sounded reasonably ok. But they decided to buy a new piano and they burned the old gal at one of those midsummers day bonfires I believe.=20 >=20 > Sigh... the fate of an old piano... not much better then an old horse. :) >=20 > Cheers.=20 > RicB=20 >=20 ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/pianotech.php/attachments/3f/5f/e1/ea/attachment.htm ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment--
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