You people are staring to scare me.

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 15:39:15 -0500

The worst one I had was a somewhere in the $2500 range rebuild in 1978. I
was pretty new, assuming better than the customer deserved, and delivered
the piano before final payment.

After around 6 weeks of being stalled, I called his place of business
(aircraft sales, as I recall). His secretary said he wasn't in (after
finding out who I was), and said she'd relay a message. I said to tell him
I was coming over right now to either pick up the check for the balance
due, or sit in his reception room in my shop grubbies and discuss the
matter in detail with everyone that came through the front door for as many
days as it took to get the check. 

It was ready when I arrived, and cleared the bank without a problem.

Three years later when he decided it needed tuned again and called me, I

Ron N

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