Fw: Fw: hammer replacement

Newton Hunt nhunt@optonline.net
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 15:36:58 -0400

>  In uprights this is less critical and original
>  bore intentions less easy to measure. 

Not true
and true.

Geometry is as important to the performance of an upright action as it is
for a grand piano.  To accurately measure the required bore distance for an
upright you must set the shank at just less than parallel (just as in a
grand) to the strings then measure from the shank to the string strike line
and so the hammer molding will be perpendicular to the string when it
touches it.  Same things as on a grand.

Doing it right will help make it perform properly.

Don't slight an upright because it is not a grand, after all, most of them
belong to your customers.


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