You people are staring to scare me.

JosephB33@AOL.COM JosephB33@AOL.COM
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 15:52:32 EDT

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Ok... I'm reluctant to share this story as you may think me immature but I 
will do it anyway.

I've had 2 problems with people that wouldn't pay.  One was a church and the 
second a nightclub.

For the church, after the work was completed, they refused to return my calls 
and letters.  I paid them a visit one afternoon and removed the middle two 
octaves of keys from the keyboard.  The pastor called me... needless to say 
he was irate.  Unfortunately this went nowhere. I still have the keys in my 
shop, but it is a fun story to tell.

The second one was more productive.  In the same fashion, I did a tuning for 
a local night club.  After  2 months of waiting for payments and repeatedly 
hearing "the check is in the mail" I paid them a visit and removed their 
entire action from the piano.  Two days later I received a frantic call that 
the piano wasn't working.  I informed them why.  I informed them that they 
could either come pick the action up from my shop or I could return it for an 
additional $60 service charge.  We compromised on a $45 service charge, but 
they got their action back and I got paid.

Again, these probably demonstrate my horrible immaturity, but when they so 
blatantly lie to me and refuse to cooperate a little "retribution" is in 

InTune Piano Service

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