
David Love
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 04:53:54 -0000


I have begun having the pianos I'm restringing rescaled (or at least 
recalculated).  I notice, at least with the company doing the calculations 
for me, that they often set the scale with a slightly higher tension.  
Instead of starting with #13, for example, the rescaled instrument will 
start with #13 1/2 and procede through a higher range of gauges, ending with 
perhaps 21 or 22 instead of 19 or 20 (this happened recently on a Steinway 
B).  I would like to know what others' experience is in this area.  Can a 
higher tension scale "choke" the board?  When is it preferable or not 
preferable?  Are there varying philosophies about scaling or are the pianos 
I've had rescaled just been wrong?

David Love
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