bore distance: was Re: hammer replacement

David Love
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 04:44:23 -0000

Newton et al:

Do you calculate the bore distance to string height or to let-off point?

David Love

>From: Newton Hunt <>
>Subject: Re: Fw: hammer replacement
>Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 13:25:37 -0400
>I ALWAYS use measured specifications whether I am ordering a set or boring
>my own.  THere are a number of reasons for this.
>I carefully measure the first and last section end string heights and BOTH
>ends of the hammer center heights and measure the bore on the current set
>and the angle of bore to shank.  Masons are hung at 91 degrees back angle.
>I carefully calculate my bore distances and compare to current specs and
>find out why there may be a difference.  I carefully calculate the
>differences in height from one end of a section to the other end and if
>needful bore to that difference if it exceeds .125 inches.
>A good measurement is ten times more accurate than just looking at string
>Bore angles are measure from the stretch to the string angles.  The bass
>angle is reduced to half to permit hammer passing and the middle is allowed
>not more than 15 degrees for the same reason.  Angles a
>re divided into the number of hammers in the section and bored accordingly.
>This is not rocket science folks (as Del says) but it sure helps in getting
>a nicer finish to a job.
>		Newton

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