Buzz Problem

David Love
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 04:33:40 -0000

I had a similar problem with a Knight upright some years ago.  There was a 
horrible buzz which was very difficult to isolate.  Finally, after feeling 
around on the soundboard I found a small area where the lightest pressure 
would change the buzz and only slightly more stopped it.  The board was, in 
fact, delaminating.  I was able to isolate a small area that seemed to be 
the source.  I drove a couple of screws with soundboard buttons into the 
board to try and clamp the offending area down.  Not pretty, but it has 
worked thus far.

David Love

>From: Susan Kline <>
>Subject: Re: Buzz Problem
>Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 19:34:06 -0700
>>My judgement is that I am looking at a solid core faced with a veneer on 
>>sides, and that the veneer is lifting somewhere near the nose bolt in the
>>bass.  I've checked and checked the bridges for rubbing against the plate,
>>and there seems to be clearance everywhere.
>>Thanks for the reply
>>Bill Maxim
>Hello, Bill
>I wonder what would happen if you managed to work a small clamp through
>the nosebolt hole, and tightened it so it pressed the layers together.
>I mean, what's a little extra impedance among friends?
>Well, sort of crazy ... but sometimes for nearly terminal terribly
>cracked and loose upright soundboards, not worthy of true repairs, I
>get the noises to quiet down by wedging scrap hammer felt between
>a backpost and a rib. For that matter, you could try that, if it is
>time to go home and nothing better has presented itself.
>If one can lay a hand on a certain area, and the sound goes away,
>it sometimes makes me wonder if I can find an artificial semi-permanent
>"hand" which could do the same thing while I walked out to the car
>and drove away.

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