Aligning beckets

David Love
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 00:09:17 -0000


The method I use is to first pull the entire length of wire you need and cut 
it off.  (As the lengths get longer in the tenor, lay a tape along the 
stretcher and note on the plate with pieces of tape the speaking lengths 
every 10 notes or so.  That way you can easily measure how much total wire 
you will need).  Put a bend at the halfway point using a pair of roundnose 
pliers.  Put the bend around the hitch pin and secure it with a small spring 
clamp or visegrips.  Pull the ends through the agraffes or capo bar, and 
secure on the bridge pins.  Have a piece of 1/8 - 3/16" d. plastic tubing, 
one cut to three inches (for three coils) and one four inches (for four 
coils seen sometimes in the top treble).  Slip the tubing over the cut end 
and slide it down to the plate hole.  (Hint: if the wire tends to grab the 
tubing when you are trying to slide it through, roll the tubing back and 
forth between your thumb and index finger as you move it down over the 
wire.)  With your right hand (if you are right handed), grip the end of the 
wire lightly with a pair of wire cutters and pull it taught.  With your left 
hand measure with the tubing from some consistent point (center of the hole 
in the plate e.g).  Squeeze the tubing or flex it slightly so the wire 
doesn't slip through.  Cut off the wire at the end of the tubing.  Repeat 
for the other length.  When you have coiled and driven the pins.  Pull them 
up alternately so that you keep the beckets in similar positions.  Works for 

David Love

>From: "Phil Romano" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Aligning beckets
>Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 17:41:23 -0400
>What is the surest way to align all beckets in the optimum position when 
>restringing? How do you adjust when changing wire gauges? I've strung about 
>a dozen or so pianos and never get them all where I want them. Three 
>fingers? Four fingers? Use a jig? All help is appreciated.
>Wish I were going to Reno!
>Phil Romano
>Myrtle Beach, SC

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