National Audit Defense Network

John M. Formsma
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 08:30:32 -0500

Dear List,

Some time ago, someone wrote to the list about the National Audit Defense
Network. This is an organization which purports to save taxpayers at least
$3,000 in new deductions for the current year tax return. They also offer
audit defense in the case of an IRS audit, as well as tax preparation

Sadly, I agreed to this "service" with NADN for a two years. I have been
most disappointed, and am in process of haggling with them about getting a
refund. Basically, the information about tax savings is something that any
good accountant will know, or it would be available for much less than the
$500 per year membership.

I am writing to you all in hope that you will avoid dealing with this
company. It is my opinion that they are deceptive in their advertising,
promises, and customer service.

If any is interested in the particulars of how they have operated with me, I
will forward the details, but will not post them here since it is not piano
related. I am only posting now because I learned of this company through the


John Formsma
Blue Mountain, MS

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