Agraffe tuning easier or not?

Ron Nossaman
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 07:45:40 -0500

>Hi Ron,
>Are you saying you find no difference in unisons with agraffes and unisons
>where there is a v bar? That is the point I was trying to make. And there
>will be differences--not ones the tuner can control. 

Hi Don,
Not "no difference", since there are differences in response from string to
string within unisons everywhere in the scale (except the monochords). In
the agraffe sections, I usually get to fight the friction from the
understring felt. In the capo sections, it's the rendering of the string
through the bridge that I get to fight. Neither of these typical (for me,
at least) string movement and placement problems has much if anything to do
with the termination. Protek on the understring felt helps, though
counterbearing bars would have been better in the first place, and a hard
rap to encourage relative equalization of string tensions fore and aft of
the bridge, are about all this tuner can do with them. 

Maybe I missed your point, but how is it that an all agraffe system is
better for letting the tech get the string stable quickly and easily?. 

Ron N

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