Water damage

Mark Wisner MWisner@yamaha.com
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 09:17:12 -0700

Here is a copy of a letter that I have sent in the past:

Yamaha doesn't have a set policy regarding the effects water can have on our pianos, and their warranty.  Each case must be considered individually.  We do, however, maintain that any piano that has been directly exposed to water has been damaged to some degree.  The damage is not always visible, however, and may not surface for a considerable period of time.
The degree of damage depends on what part of the piano was exposed, and for how long, of course.  But as a general rule we consider the reliability of any portion of the piano that is submerged or inundated, for any amount of time, to be compromised.  If exposure to water includes the rim or other non-replaceable components, as stated above, we would not hesitate to total out the entire piano, less the salvageable parts.
Mark Wisner
Application Specialist
Piano Service

Mark Wisner
Piano Service
Yamaha Corporation

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