warped ivories

Susan Kline sckline@home.com
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 09:43:53 -0700

>A good trick for flattening warped ivories that I haven't  seen in the
>archives: soak them in white vinegar for an hour or two (till they are
>pliable), dry them and place them between two flat surfaces (pieces of glass
>for example) with a weight on top.
>They come out flat!
>Jeannie Dalton

Hi, Jeannie

I did this a couple of weeks ago, and it worked great. After soaking them
in the vinegar, however, I gave them a short bath in a mild baking soda
solution to neutralize the acid, partly because I like to glue them on
with CA glue. CA glue won't set up in acid conditions.



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