Flood Insurance Claims

Warren Fisher fish@communique.net
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 23:09:41 -0500


With water that high for more than an hour,  the effect is fatal for any
glue joints that are involved.  Any wet wound strings are also dead. Wire
ones may be okay, but will rust up badly.  Action parts all have glue
joints, in flanges, rails, anything that was cut from a block that was
laminated together. Of course all the leather and felt will come off.  The
man hours trying to save one of these time bombs could easily exceed the
cost of a replacement, and I could not feel good about any kind of

Your'e the expert, Avery, your letter will work as well as any of ours.
The insurance companies won't hassle you about it.  Be sure to caution any
customers who decide to keep these "disasters-waiting-to-happen" not to
sign a quit-claim for structural damage for at least six months after the
flood date to allow every thing to finally happen!  Several people have
gotten stung on this down here in "frequent flood land".


Avery Todd wrote:

> List,
> Can some of the serious rebuilders on the list give me some
> reasons to condemn a piano that's been in a flood? Besides
> the obvious, of course.
> The water was within 1/8" of the soundboard, so new keys, all
> new action, new damper underlevers, new pedal system, glue
> joints on the legs and veneer coming unglued on the legs and
> pedal lyre, corrosion on the strings (especially the bass strings)
> ,etc.
> I've got to write a letter for the customers to give to their insurance
> agent and I'd appreciate any more information than the above to
> help them get a new piano. As if that isn't enough. :-)
> The second piano I was called about, the water was over the
> soundboard! I need letters for both of them. Anyone have
> letters in their database to insurance agents that they've already
> been successful with for flood damage? Thanks.
> Avery

Warren Fisher RPT
1422 Briarwood Dr.
Slidell, LA 70458-3102

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