request for info on sostenuto trapwork for Steck 5'

Susan Kline
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 21:24:38 -0700

At 10:48 PM 06/25/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm a newcomer to Pianotech.  Thanks, everyone, for helping to educate me.
>I'm in need of getting the design configuration of the sostenuto trapwork
>for a 1934 George
>Steck 5'  that I'm rebuilding.  That entire assembly did not come with the
>piano and I'd like to get drawings of parts (or the parts themselves) to
>reproduce it.  Without additional  information all I have available to use
>in designing something is a confusing abundance of screw holes and the need
>to avoid interference with the other parts in the area.
>Mark Ultsch


Hello, Mark. I'm not sure what system George Steck used in
1934 ... maybe some of the others can tell you. However, I've seen
and taken photos of a sostenuto system on both a George Steck
grand and an upright, both dating from the 1880's. The basic
system involved a rubber membrane mounted in a slat which pivoted
through a fairly normal pitman arrangement, like a damper tray.
The membrane went either in front or behind some small spoons
mounted on the damper levers (upright) or the underlevers (grand.)
On the grand, the membrane, which had a beveled edge, was
present only as tiny fragments. On the upright, the whole thing
was there, though rock hard, of course.

I have photos somewhere if I can fish them out. I can scan and
email you some of them if you like.

As I said, I have no idea if the system was the same in 1934,
but it might give you some way to check out the archaeological
remains on your grand.

Susan Kline

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