Journal Tech Tip was Re: Tuning pin sleeves.

Ron Nossaman
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 07:02:47 -0500

>Another use for these sleeves is to repair split out spinet music racks.
>Drill out the rack to accept the tuning pin sleeve, epoxy sleeve and hammer
>shank in hole and replace music rack.
>Norm Barrett

I've had better luck with replacing damaged wood with an inlay or dowel,
then drilling a couple of 3/16" or 7/32" holes in from the bottom, about 1
1/4" to 1 1/2" deep and angled toward the center of the panel, and gluing
in hammer shanks. The screws will then go in cross grain to these shanks,
which are themselves cross grain to the panel core and long enough to
spread out the load. 

Ron N

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