Impact Lever

Joe & Penny Goss
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 06:27:14 -0600

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Hi Dave,
Are you going to be at Reno?
I may have a new design by then.
check nthe site below.
Joe Goss
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Dave Bunch=20
  Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 9:26 PM
  Subject: Impact Lever

  I was thinking of trying an impact tuning lever. I have chronic pain =
in my neck, shoulder, elbow, numbness in my fingers, etc., etc. I've =
heard that these things can be helpful.

  I see two in my catalogs. One is from Schaff with the adjustable =
weight and the other is a Mehaffey from Pianotek. Does anyone have any =
opinons on which is the best, or neither of the above? Any input is =

  Dave Bunch

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