Impact Lever

Mon, 25 Jun 2001 07:58:14 -0400

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I bought a Mehaffey from Pianotek as I was concerned about occasional =
pain in the arm. I had gone to a class in Arlington (or was it North =
Carolina?) given by Mitch Keil (last name is a guess) of the CyberTuner =
world on impact tuning hammers. He uses one on all verticals and likes =
it. I remember he said he had really bad pain and use of the impact =
hammer has saved his tuning career. The class covered significant =
modifications of the Mehaffey impact hammer (objective: comfort and =
better weight amount/position) and use of it.=20

I was really impressed with what he presented. I have not made the =
recommended modifications to my hammer. I can see that the comfort =
modifications would need to be made. I have used my hammer occasionally. =
I like to move around to the side of the piano to do the hi-treble - =
when the side of the piano is up against the wall or some such, I get my =
impact out and use it (because you more-or-less sit in front of the pin =
you are tuning). I still have not gotten used to it. It is a different =
puppy. But I suspect that if you are having lots of pain, you would go =
with the impact full time and make the transition in a short period of =
time. If I recall correctly, Mitch said when he started with the impact =
it took about 10 or 20 pianos before he felt comfortable with it.

Perhaps he will do the class again. Or you can call/email him directly =
at the CyberTuner factory. If I could find my class handouts I would be =
happy to scan and email them.
Good luck. Pain hurts.

Terry Farrell
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Dave Bunch=20
  Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 11:26 PM
  Subject: Impact Lever

  I was thinking of trying an impact tuning lever. I have chronic pain =
in my neck, shoulder, elbow, numbness in my fingers, etc., etc. I've =
heard that these things can be helpful.

  I see two in my catalogs. One is from Schaff with the adjustable =
weight and the other is a Mehaffey from Pianotek. Does anyone have any =
opinons on which is the best, or neither of the above? Any input is =

  Dave Bunch

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