bass string differences

Newton Hunt
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 07:52:49 -0400

Dear David and Erwin,

Thanks for your comments.

Ari has recently changed several procedures that help reduce falseness
and improve tone.  I have used several sets in the past and I know of
the problems and I think he does make a better string.

He will make a set of strings to specifications, duplicated the original
or he can rescale the set.  He recently has redesigned his scaling
program for several improvements.

Mistakes have been made but has always tried to correct those mistakes.

He tries to make a better set and I think he has succeeded.

There are a number of ways to make a string and several ways to rescale
a piano.

We now have computers which allows us to do more math in five minutes
than a month would needed before them.

Issues to consider are tension, inharmonicity, breaking %, and power. 
Ari starts with breaking % and refines from that.  I start with
inharmonicity and tension and refine from there.  There are lots of
parameters to consider as a scale is built.  We are limited to speaking
lengths available but that is rarely an issue unless you are talking
about a 5 footer or less, especially less.

Any string winder that leaves more than 5/8" of unwound end unless in
the middle section is doing you and the piano a disservice.  I kept
wondering why the strings I put on sounded worse than the strings I took
off.  I finally realized there was 1 1/4" of unwound ends at the agraffe
ends.  That is when I started rescaling, to control the tone but
especially the inharmonicity.


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