Piano choice. Thoughts please

David Boyce David@bouncer.force9.co.uk
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 01:18:54 +0100

Hi all,

Don, you say
"I don't think that recordings of one racehorse piano compared to another
racehorse piano are very useful. Now, *if* these were made with identical
equipage and the same pianist on the specific pianos you are looking
at...that would be horse of a different color."

I know, and I agree with you, really.  Nonetheless, don't you find that you
can generally tell between brands on recordings?  I can usually tell S&S,
Bosendorfer (easily!), Yamaha, Baldwin.  So even taking into account
recording variables, it is possible to identify the 'family' sound. But i
do agree with you, the comparative recording tape is an idea of limited
value. i did stress that when I handed it over.  Also, a recording cannot
of course convey to a potential purchaser how good the action is on each

Thanks for your thoughts, much appreciated.


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