S&S plate touch up?

jolly roger baldyam@sk.sympatico.ca
Sun, 24 Jun 2001 00:44:46 -0500

Hi Isaac,
                I managed to find some data on varsol.

minimum flash point   40C             Autoignition  250C

Product is mainly C7-C10 Hydrocarbons

Ethylbenzene                       less than .1%    (carcinogenic)

Triethylbenzene                         4.0%

Saturated hydrocarbons              83% 

C8 Hydrocarbon plus aromatics   17%

The product is marketed in a wide variety of mixes.  Exxon Corp being one
of the largest suppliers.

Like all sovents use in a ventilated space.

It is availiable in a low odor form.  Gas is heavier than air.

On a personal note. I could not tell the difference between C7 and a C10
hydrocarbon if it bit me in the butt  <G>

More imformation than you know what to do with.

Regards Roger


At 06:04 AM 6/24/01 +0200, you wrote:
>Hello , Roger,
>What is "VARSOL" , is it a make ?If not what kind of solvent it is, please ?
>(I often have "Gaffer" tape marks on frames)  I think 3M makes an Avery
>label remover product I used on Grand Dampers for the same tape marks
>removal. It works fine but the product is a tad volatil, I did not check the
>soaking with a cloth, but it may probably work.
>In hospitals I've seen they have a product to threw off the band aid,
>probably the same kind of solvents.
>Isaac Oleg

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