S&S plate touch up?

jolly roger baldyam@sk.sympatico.ca
Sun, 24 Jun 2001 00:09:17 -0500

Hi Isaac,
               I'm not sure what it is.   Smells like kerosene, it is also
sold as paint thinner or paint solvent for cleaning brushes.  I will ask at
the paint store next week, since you have raised my curiousity.   It takes
tape residue off and will not harm polyester or laquer finishes.  It is
defintely flamable, but not as volitile as laquer thinner or acetone.
The soaked cloth trick can save you a lot of rubbing, and make the job
easy.   It keeps the solvent in contact with the dried on residue.  I also
use it as a rubbing fluid with 600 wet and dry for satin finishes.   It
give a nicer cut than water.

At 06:04 AM 6/24/01 +0200, you wrote:
>Hello , Roger,
>What is "VARSOL" , is it a make ?If not what kind of solvent it is, please ?
>(I often have "Gaffer" tape marks on frames)  I think 3M makes an Avery
>label remover product I used on Grand Dampers for the same tape marks
>removal. It works fine but the product is a tad volatil, I did not check the
>soaking with a cloth, but it may probably work.
>In hospitals I've seen they have a product to threw off the band aid,
>probably the same kind of solvents.
>Isaac Oleg

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