Damp Chaser for Square Grand

Jlovekeys@AOL.COM Jlovekeys@AOL.COM
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 18:25:22 EDT

Dear list,  I recently did a tuning for a customer that had a 1870 Chickering 
square grand.  Since they paid $3000 for in ( on Ebay), they would like to 
preserve their investment. I told them I would inquire about the possibility 
of installing a damp-chaser system.  Does anyone have any experience or 
advise as to what sort of system would be suitable for this beast?  The piano 
had probably been restrung at some point as  modern tuning pins were 
installed and most were fairly tight, though I tuned it where it was at about 
135 cents flat of A440. Any help here appreciated. 
Jim Love
PTG Associate
Midland, Tx.

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